Membership & Pricing
New members - joining:
To get you started in the club we need your details using the form.
For adults, somebody from the club will contact you to agree the best session to try out, and add you to the club email list. The first session is free, and the session coach can let you know if your level is OK for our sessions.
For adult sessions, you can ask to attend upto 3 times paying as you go for individual sessions while you make up your mind.
After this, If you want to join the club, you need to set up membership.
For junior sessions, because of capacity we are struggling to provide taster sessions.
Currently we don't have a session for complete beginners, but if you are sporty and pick things up quickly, don't rule out having a go.
Adult membership:
We have 2 types of adult membership.
Both need a standing order with 9 payments from 5th Sep 24 to 5th May 25 (or from your starting month to 5th May 23).
FVC Training membership costs £26/month, and gives access to the Wed general training.
FVC Squad memership costs £37/month and gives access to the relevant Squad training session, the Wed session if there are places spare and covers match fees.
By agreement with the club, we can offer a "Pay as you go level" for people who can only come a few times a year.
Match fees:
Outside of FVC Squad membership, fees for playing in a league match are £10 per match.
Junior (u18) membership:​
1 Oct 2024: Our FVC Academy junior sessions for the current half term are close to full. We may be able to fit in one or two people in the Tuesday beginner sessions, otherwise we can add your child to a waiting list for the next place that comes free.
We are pre-booking junior training sessions a couple of weeks before each half term.
There is currently quite a high demand for sessions. We'll do our best, but it may not be possible to accomodate your child immediately. If this is the case, we can add them to a waiting list for the next half term.
Full details of costs of the FVC academy training session costs are around £8/session
Signing in to sessions:
Each adult training session has a booking sheet, to control and record attendance and inform you of any fees due, or whether the session is included in your membership plan.
Links to these are in the email and WhatsApp session invites and within the "FVC 2024/25" Whatsapp chat Group info.
It is important that members book into each session before they come. If you have problems, you can always message on our WhatsApp group chat and somebody will help.
It is intended to implement a system where, if the first priority people for a session have not filled the places, 24 hours before the session, 2nd priority people can book a place.
Bank details for payments:
Account Name: Farnborough Volleyball
Account No: 33122247
Sort Code: 20 – 11 – 74
Use this link for payment instructions, and references for payments to the club, so we know what they are for and they are correctly assigned to you.
Outdoor sessions:
These are as seen on the sign-up sheets for each session, so are clear what you’ll pay at the time you commit to coming to the session.
For summer 2024, these were £2 for Children and £3 for Adults and are unlikely to change much for 2024.
Indoor game sessions:
We may look to organise games, where people can just come and play, and the cost (to spread the court hire between the participants) will be advertised at the time, but is likely to be in the region of £10, to cover hall booking costs.
As an active club in a team sport, communication is key.
We have an announcements mailing list to all the club by email.
There are also 2 main WhatsApp groups:
"FVC 2024-25" primarily for adult members.
"FVC Academy Chat" primarily for parents and older children.
If you are not on these and want to join, please ask the secretary or session coach to add you.